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The 3 Best YouTube Yoga Videos in 2022

Writer's picture: Irene LomerIrene Lomer

Updated: Mar 28, 2023

If you've been with our Antara Yoga community for a while you'll know that I love to share free short yoga practices and tips on YouTube. And if you've been practicing yoga for some time you'll recognize those special moments when you practice the same thing many times and find that it feels slightly different or that you get a new insight into the posture or technique.

So as we start to prepare for the end of 2022 and reflect back on the year I would like to share with you the three best YouTube yoga videos in 2022. These were selected by our Antara Yoga community on YouTube based on the number of times they were practiced in 2022.

best youtube yoga videos

Have you already practiced these earlier in 2022? I invite you to try them again now and notice how they feel for a second, third or even tenth time. Although maybe by the tenth practice you find that you have learnt the technique and can try practicing alone without my guidance. 😉 

Oh and I'll also share a fourth practice that wasn't done by so many people but I think is very valuable and worth a try!

Number 3: No Time for Yoga? Short Ashtanga Sequence

In this short ashtanga sequence of around 20 minutes, we’ll cover some of the key sun salutations, standing and seated poses in the ashtanga primary sequence. This is a perfect practice if you’re either short on time or beginning to build up your ashtanga vinyasa yoga practice.

Some of the postures in this sequence are intermediate level. So if you're looking for a more beginner level flowing class where you learn the basics of sun salutations you could try the vinyasa fundamentals technique video to learn Sun Salutation A first. This is the best YouTube yoga class for beginners wanting to start with ashtanga vinyasa yoga.

Number 2: How to Breathe Effectively in Your Yoga Practice

Breathing is an essential part of yoga. But how should we be breathing in our yoga practice? And what makes it different to our natural breath?

In this guided class we’ll be doing a 10-minute routine focused on how to breathe in your yoga practice. You’ll start by learning to breathe while sitting still and then try out using this moving through a series of sun salutations.

Number 1: 5 Minute Yoga to Open Your Chest and Shoulders

This yoga sequence is designed to release tension and open a tight chest and shoulders. It's a very short practice that takes just 5 minutes to do, making it easy to fit into a busy schedule.

If you do suffer regularly from a tight chest and shoulders I recommend for you to try these stretches out at least three times a week to feel a noticeable difference.

Bonus Practice: Inhale 4 Exhale 6 Pranayama

In addition to breathing consciously in your physical yoga practice it can be really valuable to start or end your practice with a focused breathing technique or pranayama. This will help improve your physical yoga practice, your breath capacity and quality in daily life, and help build concentration and quiteness for a meditation practice.

In this practice you’ll be guided through a simple breathing exercise where we will inhale for a count of 4 and exhale for a count of 6. This will allow you to focus on lengthening and extending your exhale.

Want to explore more free home yoga practices? Check out our yoga at home blogs and YouTube videos.

Happy practicing!

💛​ Irene

best youtube yoga for beginners

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